Hi! Below are some things I am proud of -

Other portfolio pieces can be found under the "Projects" link above.

I've been tinkering with mixed-reality production for instructional videos

Maybe gen-z will pay attention to content like this?

Leading a team developing accessible prototype instruments for musicians with disabilities -

I presented my team's accessible music tech paper, and prototypes, at the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference NIME 2020 @ Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, U.K.

Made a 3rd person PoC demo with Unity 2020 -

Excited about being able to knock together a convincing enough looking "world" to run around in. With the time to spend on scripting actions and objectives this could be a pretty fun game! THX to Matthew Henderson for the gr8 course.

Founded these (dormant) organizations -

Contributing to their development when my time permits :|

Engineering Services

Decentralized Peer Think-Tank

Ran a collective arts distro for a while -

It was a lot of fun and there's a solid back catalogue to peruse !

Collective music & art distro and community

(2014-2019 No Longer Maintained)

My other (documented) work is here