Quinn Jarvis-Holland

Durham, NC

I like building, breaking, and fixing things!
Information Systems Generalist at Modern Energy

I'm an engineer and entrepreneur with a background in the arts. These days I work in IT operations for a clean energy platform.
I'm fascinated by interaction design. My brother experiences Down-syndrome, and helping him to speak with assistive devices when he was entering school and otherwise nonverbal proved to me that we can transcend our limitations to better connect with one another given an accessible interface (see Universal Design). I published a paper titled 'expanding access to music technology' @ NIME2020 in which I outline how modern rapid-development tools can assist adaptive product design. I enjoy communicating complex ideas to people with a wide range of technical abilities, and harnessing empathy to meet and infer user's needs.I am passionate about making systems that support and adapt to people - and driven to find intersections between accessible interfaces, operational efficiencies, and security.I would also like to find more time to paint.